Friday, January 22, 2010

Parent's Fellowship Night

So thankful that so many of our adopting moms and dads braved the storm warnings to get together last night to catch up on where each family is in the process and just enjoy being together with ONE heart and mind!
Chris- waiting to travel to bring home 2 precious boys, Kristi- and sweet Lucy Lane, Sarah- waiting for court date for her sweet baby boy!
Baby Maggie's grandma-- we love when grandmas come!-- and Sarah-- just sent off dossier and waiting to find out whom God has chosen to be their baby boy!
Princesses Maggie and Lucy Lane
Courtney and Kenneth with their brag book-- inside their super cute 4 year old son, Tariku--waiting for a court date
Tim and Jo- waiting for their sweet baby girl to be revealed!
Beautiful Maggie came home in May

Mark, Caleb and Margie-- court date for precious boy #1 on February 1--and waiting for a court date for baby boy #2--- they think they'll be making 2 trips

I will say to the north, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth-----Isaiah 43:6

Until they all have a family--


  1. thanks for hosting was so fun...kj

  2. Thank you for hosting. I am so grateful for this support group. I love how you did the pics and info for this post.

  3. Once our dossier is finally sent off and we are able to take a moment to finally breathe a bit, we'll be there! Can't wait to meet everyone! Love seeing all the photos!
