Thursday, April 2, 2009

Adoption Fundraiser Garage Sales

Spring is here and our families are busy holding great Garage Sales to fund their adoptions. Here is a list of few coming up:

1. The Cornett family is holding a huge Yard Sale in Hendersonville right off of Main St on April 18th, 8 AM to 4 PM. $10 haircuts will be given from a hairstylist from Tangles Salon and there will be all kinds of things for your kids to do!

2. The Faires family is holding a Garage Sale on April 18th in Franklin at 3131 Tristan Drive.

3. The Weimer Family is holding a Yard Sale from April 9th to the 11th in Spring Hill at 2108 Burgess Lane, Spring Hill TN 37174

4. Abby Wells is having a Garage sale on Saturday April 4 in Bellevue from 9 AM - 3 PM (or later if business is good!). Multiple families participating!! 8205 Poplar Creek Road Nashville, TN 37221. Here is a blurb from her: I am trying to raise money to help pay for my trip to Ethiopia (I leave on May 2 to pick up my newly adopted daughter) and I am clearing the house to make way for all of the items a child needs!! Treadmill, lawn mower, weed wackers (2), mattresses, furniture, lamps, clothes, books, and tons of misc items...too many to list. I have an entire "pod" FULL of stuff. Multiple families donated items for me to sell.

1 comment:

  1. OUR SALE IS THE 18TH!! Thanks for doing this!!! Its awesome!!
